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Harrisonburg City Public Schools are committed to providing a full educational opportunity for identified disabled individuals. This commitment is demonstrated, in part, through the following efforts:

  • An ongoing child find effort is made to locate and identify disabled individuals from birth through age 21; A free and appropriate public education is provided to all students with a disability age 2 through 21 inclusive, in the least restrictive environment. All federal and state regulations are either met or exceeded by local school practices.
  • An active and involved advisory committee meets on a regular basis to review programs and and the special education annual plan.  The committee is composed of parents and community agency representatives.  These meetings are open to the public and publicized.
  • Parents are involved throughout the educational process. Parental permission and notification of procedural safeguards are obtained before an evaluation takes place. Parents are also invited to attend eligibility meetings, and participate with educators in jointly developing their child's individualized education program.

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