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Diabetes (State-mandated)

General information for all faculty and staff:

  1. View Diabetes and the School Environment presentation
  2. Complete the Diabetes Training Survey to document your completion of this training.

For faculty and staff who interact with students with diabetes:

  1. View Diabetes and the School Environment presentation
  2. Work through the Interactive Presentation for the Lilly Glucagon Tutorial. Be sure to note your score on the quiz.
  3. Complete the Diabetes Training Survey to document your completion of this training.
    Additional information: 
    Manual for Training of Public School Employees In the Administration of Insulin and Glucagon
    Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed - A Guide for School Personnel

Bloodborne Pathogens

General information for all faculty and staff:

  1. View Bloodborne Pathogens in the School Setting presentation
  2. Complete the Bloodborne Pathogens Training Survey to document your completion of this training.

Student Allergies

Allergy Presentation

  1. View Food Allergy Basics video (YouTube)
  2. Complete the Allergies Survey to document your completion of this training.

Epi Pen Administration

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